Panoply Magazine
Your definitive guide to the world of NFTs.
NFT stands for non-fungible token, which basically means that it's a one-of-a-kind digital asset that belongs to you and you only. The most popular NFTs right now include artwork and music, but can also include videos and even tweets. I created this magazine to highlight upcoming art drops and projects.
When approaching this topic I delved into the lucrative world of NFT sales and picked out some of the stand out artists and projects across the crypto space. I researched physical magazines and was surprised to find that very few exist.
Project Type Page Layout
Business Magazine
Year of Completion 2021
Instructors Bradford Prarie and Sean Bacon
Panoply; An Impressive collection of things
The wordmark is built on the typeface Chap which was chosen for its unique characters. The kerning was adjusted and the corners on the a, n and l were rounded. The angle was exagerrated on the n and lower case p.
Designing the covers
The Magazine covers all follow the same set of rules. Each image overlaps part of the logo. The covers consist of current NFT projects along with some of my own personal artwork.
Aidan McGuire
Graphic Designer
© Aidan McGuire 2022
Graphic designer